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College and Career

California Community Colleges

California Community Colleges is your online gateway to all 116 community colleges in California. Explore what colleges have to offer, find online courses/programs, and see admission requirements.

Solano Community College

California Apprenticeship Coordinators Association

A union apprenticeship is an excellent career choice if you like to work with your hands; are willing to serve an apprenticeship for up to five years, depending on the trade you select; have dexterity, mechanical ability, problem-solving skills and the ability to work collaboratively with a team; want to earn a living wage and good benefits; and want the opportunity to advance in your career.

California Apprenticeship

Volunteer Opportunities

Are you looking for volunteer opportunities so that you can make a difference? Do you need to add more experience to your resume? There are many local organizations looking for volunteers!!  YOU can make a difference in the lives of others.